Beef en Steak

Wie weet er meer over deze Schuurvondst

Als ik het goed zie staat er een M in de luchtschuif.
Dan zou de Weber uit 1990 zijn.
Collectorsitem. Netjes schoonmaken / handvaten drogen en in de olie of lak zetten.
Eventueel nieuwe roosters bestellen en gaan met die ketel.
yep gewoon opknappen!
En dan van genieten elke keer als je hem gebruikt.

of weggeven..... dat mag ook 🙃
Greepjes er af halen en een week goed drogen in huis.
Met een wood cleaner schoonmaken en dan een blanke meubel olie er op. Dit haalt de oorspronkelijke kleur en weber logo weer naar boven.

Super mooie kleur! Zie je weinig.
In 2015 had ik dit al eens opgezocht en geplaatst, ergens op het Weber forum gevonden "the virtual weber bulletin board"

Leuk voor de Weber freaks.

In 1979, Weber began using an alphabetic date code to represent the model year of each Weber charcoal grill.

Initially, the date code was a single letter, starting with the letter A in 1979 and ending with the letter P in 1993. Since the WSM was first introduced for the 1981 model year, most of the oldest WSM cookers have a C date code, but a few have a B date code.

Starting in 1994, Weber switched to a two-letter code based on the word "AUTHORIZED", where A = 1, U = 2, T = 3, H = 4, O = 5, R = 6, I = 7, Z = 8, E = 9, and D = 0. For example, the code EZ is 98 for 1998, DD is 00 for 2000, AU is 12 for 2012, and so on.

Starting in 2013, in addition to the two-letter date code, Weber introduced a new alphanumeric serial number consisting of two letters + seven numbers. The serial number is etched into the lid vent damper only and is also printed on the carton barcode. The two letters represent the year of manufacture based on the word "CONSUMABLE", where C = 1, O = 2, N = 3, S = 4, U = 5, M = 6, A = 7, B = 8, L = 9, and E = 0. For example, CNxxxxxxx is 13 for 2013, CSxxxxxxx is 14 for 2014, and so on.

Note that Weber's model year is not a calendar year. The Weber model year runs from October 1 to September 30. For example, a grill with date code AT or serial number CNxxxxxxx is part of the 2013 model year. It may have been manufactured anytime between 10/1/2013 and 9/30/2014.

It seems likely that the older two-letter code will be discontinued at some point in the future, given that it duplicates the function of the newer alphanumeric serial number. At the time of this writing in 2014, both continue to be used together on Weber grills.

Laatst bewerkt:
In 2015 had ik dit al eens opgezocht en geplaatst, ergens op het Weber forum gevonden "the virtual weber bulletin board"

Leuk voor de Weber freaks.

In 1979, Weber began using an alphabetic date code to represent the model year of each Weber charcoal grill.

Initially, the date code was a single letter, starting with the letter A in 1979 and ending with the letter P in 1993. Since the WSM was first introduced for the 1981 model year, most of the oldest WSM cookers have a C date code, but a few have a B date code.

Starting in 1994, Weber switched to a two-letter code based on the word "AUTHORIZED", where A = 1, U = 2, T = 3, H = 4, O = 5, R = 6, I = 7, Z = 8, E = 9, and D = 0. For example, the code EZ is 98 for 1998, DD is 00 for 2000, AU is 12 for 2012, and so on.

Starting in 2013, in addition to the two-letter date code, Weber introduced a new alphanumeric serial number consisting of two letters + seven numbers. The serial number is etched into the lid vent damper only and is also printed on the carton barcode. The two letters represent the year of manufacture based on the word "CONSUMABLE", where C = 1, O = 2, N = 3, S = 4, U = 5, M = 6, A = 7, B = 8, L = 9, and E = 0. For example, CNxxxxxxx is 13 for 2013, CSxxxxxxx is 14 for 2014, and so on.

Note that Weber's model year is not a calendar year. The Weber model year runs from October 1 to September 30. For example, a grill with date code AT or serial number CNxxxxxxx is part of the 2013 model year. It may have been manufactured anytime between 10/1/2013 and 9/30/2014.

It seems likely that the older two-letter code will be discontinued at some point in the future, given that it duplicates the function of the newer alphanumeric serial number. At the time of this writing in 2014, both continue to be used together on Weber grills.

Er zijn nog 2 vaste bouwjaren te dateren aan het bovenste ventilatie schuifje:

Scherm­afbeelding 2024-09-30 om 13.25.54.png

1978: geen lettercode (vanaf 1979 begint code A)
Er zijn nog een paar punten waaraan je een 78 er ketel kan herkennen maar dat terzijde..
Ik heb 1 uit 78 in bezit. Mijn geboorte jaar


Eind 1976 een paar en jaar 1977.
Het enige jaar dat de naam WEBER in het groot werd gegraveerd in de ventilatie schijf.
Hier heb ik ook 1 van in mijn bezit.

Oudere Webers zijn er natuurljk ook maar dezen worden in tijdperken (jaren) geschat op uiterlijke vertonen.
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